Wed, 02 / 2017 10:49 pm | congthuc

Structrure Grammar for Toeic Pr Loading... Simple  V Continous be V-ing Perfect have V3/ed Vs/es Often, usully, always, sometime, never, once a… twice a…, seldom Am/is/are V-ing At the moment, now at this time, at the pre… look, listen!, right now Have/has V3/ed Just, since, for, yet, already, never, ever, recently, lately, up to now, […]

Structrure Grammar for Toeic



Simple  V

Continous be V-ing

Perfect have V3/ed

  • Vs/es

Often, usully, always, sometime, never, once a…

twice a…, seldom

  • Am/is/are V-ing

At the moment, now at this time, at the pre…

look, listen!, right now

  • Have/has V3/ed

Just, since, for, yet, already, never, ever, recently, lately,

up to now, present


  • V2/ed

Yesterday, last, ago, in

  • Was/were  V-ing

at that time, 7 am yesterday

  • had V3/ed


  • Will V

next, tomorrow, soon in

  • Will be V-ing

7 am tomorrow

  • Will have V3/ed

by the time

  • Transformation  of  tense  (Chuyển đổi câu)
  • S + have/has not + V3/ed  for time
  1. It is time since + S + V2/ed
  2. The last time + S + V2/ed  was time ago
  3. S + last + V2/ed  time ago
  • S + have/has never + V3/ed  before
  1. This is the first time + S + have/has + V3/ed
  • Reported speech  (Câu tường thuật)

Cách đổi câu

  1. Bỏ dấu
  2. Đổi ngôi →   (I)  S                                          HTĐ → QKĐ → QKHT

                       (II) O                                        HTTD → QKTD → QKHT

                       (III)  không đổi                        HTHT → →QKHT

  1. Lùi thì

Will  →  Would

Can  →  could

May → might

am/is/are – going to → was/were

 must – have to → had to


  1. Đổi trạng ngữ

Here → There

This/these →  That/those

Now→ Then

Ago→ Before

Soon→ later

Yesterday → the day before

                      The previous day

Tomorrow → The day after

                       The following day

Next day  → The next day

  • Question
  1. Y/N ?  She asked “ Aux V + S + (V) ?

→ She asked if / whether  + S + V

                         EX : Do you enjoy reading , Peter?

                        →  Phong asked Peter if he enjoyed reading

  1. WH ?  She asked “ WH + aux V + S + (V) ?

    → She asked “ WH + S + V


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